Source code for versionah.models

"""models - Version models for versionah."""
# Copyright © 2014-2018  James Rowe <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# This file is part of versionah.
# versionah is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# versionah is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# versionah.  If not, see <>.

import datetime
import re
from functools import total_ordering
from http.cookiejar import MONTHS

#: Regular expression to match a valid package name
VALID_PACKAGE = r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[_\.-][A-Za-z0-9]+)*'
#: Regular expression to match a valid package version
VALID_VERSION = r'\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+){,2}'
#: Regular expression to match a package date.  ISO-8601, and %d-%b-%Y
#: formatting for shtool compatibility
VALID_DATE = r'(?:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|\d{2}-(?:%s)-\d{4})' % '|'.join(MONTHS)

#: Supported version components
VERSION_COMPS = ('major', 'minor', 'micro', 'patch')

[docs]@total_ordering class Version: """Main version identifier representation.""" def __init__(self, components=(0, 1, 0), name='unknown', """Initialise a new `Version` object. Args: components (str): Version components name (str): Package name date ( Date associated with version """ if isinstance(components, str): components = split_version(components) if not 2 <= len(components) <= 4: raise ValueError( 'Invalid number of components in {!r}'.format(components)) if not all((isinstance(n, int) and n >= 0) for n in components): raise ValueError( 'Invalid component values in {!r}'.format(components)) # Stub attributes set via Version.set method self.major = self.minor = self.micro = self.patch = 0 self._resolution = 0 self.set(components) = name = date def __repr__(self): """Self-documenting string representation. Returns: str: String representation of object """ return '{}({!r}, {!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__qualname__, self.components,, def __str__(self): """Return default string representation. We return a dotted version string, as that is the most common format. Returns: str: Default strings representation of object """ return '{} v{}'.format(, self.as_dotted()) @staticmethod def __prepare_cmp_object(other): """Prepare object for comparison with Version. This presents a tuple for comparison with Version.components_full. Args other (Version): Object to munge Returns tuple: Full version component tuple for object Raises NotImplementedError: Incomparable other """ if isinstance(other, Version): return other.components_full elif isinstance(other, (tuple, list)): return (tuple(other) + (0, 0, 0))[:4] elif isinstance(other, str): return (split_version(other) + (0, 0, 0))[:4] else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unable to compare Version and {!r}'.format(type(other))) def __eq__(self, other): """Test `Version` objects for equality. Importantly, padded version components are checked so that 0.1 is considered equal to See also: ``~Version.__prepare_cmp_object`` Args: other (Version): Object to munge Returns: bool """ return self.components_full == self.__prepare_cmp_object(other) def __lt__(self, other): """Strict less-than test against comparable object. See also: ``~Version.__prepare_cmp_object`` Args: other (Version): Object to munge Returns: bool: True if ``self`` is strictly less-than ``other`` """ return self.components_full < self.__prepare_cmp_object(other) def __hash__(self): """Create object-unique hash value. Returns: str: Object-unique hash value """ return hash(repr(self))
[docs] def set(self, components): """Set version components. Args: components (tuple[int]): Version components """ if isinstance(components, str): components = split_version(components) elif isinstance(components, list): components = tuple(components) padded = (components + (0, 0, 0))[:4] self.major, self.minor, self.micro, self.patch = padded self._resolution = len(components)
@property def components_full(self): """Generate full length component tuple for version. Returns: tuple[int] """ return self.major, self.minor, self.micro, self.patch @property def components(self): """Generate component tuple to initial resolution. Returns: tuple[int] """ return self.components_full[:self._resolution]
[docs] def bump(self, bump_type): """Bump a version string. Args: bump_type (str): Component to bump Raises: ValueError: Invalid ``bump_type`` argument """ if bump_type == 'micro' and self._resolution < 3 \ or bump_type == 'patch' and self._resolution < 4: raise ValueError('Invalid bump_type {!r} for version {!r}'.format( bump_type, self.components) ) if bump_type == 'major': self.major += 1 self.micro = self.minor = self.patch = 0 elif bump_type == 'minor': self.minor += 1 self.micro = self.patch = 0 elif bump_type == 'micro': self.micro += 1 self.patch = 0 elif bump_type == 'patch': self.patch += 1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown bump_type {!r}'.format(bump_type)) =
[docs] def bump_major(self): """Bump major version component.""" self.bump('major')
[docs] def bump_minor(self): """Bump minor version component.""" self.bump('minor')
[docs] def bump_micro(self): """Bump micro version component.""" self.bump('micro')
[docs] def bump_patch(self): """Bump patch version component.""" self.bump('patch')
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Generate a dictionary of version components. Returns: dict: Version as dictionary """ return {k: v for k, v in zip(VERSION_COMPS, self.components)}
[docs] def as_dotted(self): """Generate a dotted version string. Returns: str: Standard dotted version string """ return '.'.join(str(s) for s in self.components)
[docs] def as_hex(self): """Generate a hex version string. Returns: str: Version as hex string """ return '0x' + ''.join('%02x' % n for n in self.components)
[docs] def as_libtool(self): """Generate a libtool version string. Returns: str: Version as libtool string """ return '%i:%i' % (self.major * 10 + self.minor, 20 + self.micro)
[docs] def as_date(self): """Generate a ISO-8601 date string for release. Returns: str: Version’s release date as ISO-8601 date stamp """ return
[docs] def as_tuple(self): """Generate a tuple of version components. Returns: int: Version components as tuple """ return self.components
[docs] def as_web(self): """Generate a web UA-style string for release. Returns: str: Version’s string in web UA-style """ return '{}/{}'.format(, self.as_dotted())
[docs]def split_version(version): """Split version string to components. Args: version (str): Version string Returns: tuple[int]: Components of version string Raises: ValueError: Invalid version string """ if not re.fullmatch(VALID_VERSION, version): raise ValueError('Invalid version string {!r}'.format(version)) return tuple(int(s) for s in version.split('.'))